TNPSC Road Inspector Syllabus 2023 | TNPSC Road Inspector Exam | Latest TNPSC Road Inspector Syllabus 2023 written exam syllabus and Exam Pattern details – Download PDF
TNPSC Road Inspector Syllabus 2023 : Candidates who you are preparing for Tamilnadu Public Service Commission Road Inspector (RI) Recruitment. Here we update latest TNPSC Road Inspector Exam Syllabus and exam pattern. To help all the applicants, we collected the detailed TNPSC Syllabus directly from the official website of the Tamilnadu Public Service Commission @ So, candidates who are searching for the TNPSC Road Inspector Exam they can collect full PDF on this page. Are you looking for the free download? Then go through this section
Candidates should be aware with the TNPSC Road Inspector Syllabus 2023 Pattern before TNPSC Road Inspector Exam for TNPSC Road Inspector (RI) recruitment notification. This will help them understand the topics that will be covered in the exam, the total number of exam topics, how to score, etc. Check the TNPSC Road Inspector Syllabus 2023 provided here for both
- Written Examination
- Certificate Verification
TNPSC Road Inspector Syllabus 2023 – Details
TNPSC Road Inspector Exam Pattern Download | |
Organization Name | Tamilnadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) |
Post Name | Road Inspector (RI) |
Category | Syllabus |
Selection Process |
Job Location | Tamil Nadu |
Official Site | |
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Selection will be made in single stage, based on the marks obtained by the candidates in the written examination subject to the rule of reservation of appointments. A tentative list of eligible candidates for certificate verification will be announced in the Commission’s website. After verification of the original certificates, the eligible candidates will be summoned for final selection through counselling method.
The applicant who has not appeared for any of the subjects in the examination will not be considered for selection, even if he / she secures the minimum qualifying marks for selection. (For further details refer para 18(C) of the “Instructions to applicants”.

1. First, the selection will be made for the Backlog vacancies. [Section 27 of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016]
2. Secondly, the selection will be made for regular vacancies following the rule of reservation of appointments.

a) Answer sheets of Paper-I and Part B of Paper II of the candidates will be evaluated, only if the candidates secure minimum qualifying marks in Part-A of Paper-II.
b) Only Marks secured in Paper-I and Part-B of Paper-II will be considered for ranking.
c) The questions in Paper-I (Subject Paper) ITI Standard and the questions in Part-B of Paper-II (General Studies) will be set both in Tamil and English language.
d) The candidate should appear for all the papers in the written examination for his / her answers to be evaluated and in case the candidate absents himself / herself for any of the papers, the papers attended will not be evaluated.
e) If answers of a candidate for one paper is declared deemed not fit for valuation, the answers of the candidate for the remaining papers will not be evaluated.
f) As per the orders issued in G.O.(Ms) No.49, Human Resources Management (M) Department, dated 23.05.2022, the differently abled candidates can avail exemption from writing Part-A in Paper-II (Objective Type) (Tamil Eligibility Test).
Such candidates have to furnish the required details in the online application without fail. Subsequent claim will receive no attention. The candidates need to upload Disability Certificate as prescribed in G.O. (Ms) No. 08, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons (DAP-3.2) Department dated 21.09.2021. Model format enclosed with Annexure –V of this notification.
Instructions to the candidates who are exempted for Tamil Eligibility Test:
i. As per the orders issued in G.O. (Ms.) No.49, Human Resource Management (M) Department, dated 23.05.2022, read along with G.O. Ms.No.8, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons (DAP 3.2) Department, dated 21.09.2021, the differently-abled candidates who are even below the 40% of disability can also avail the exemptions from writing Tamil Eligibility Test i.e., Part-A in Paper-II of examination if they have claimed such exemptions in their online application.
ii. The candidates who have been exempted to write Tamil Eligibility Test shall be allowed to write only General Studies Paper i.e. Part-B in Paper-II.
iii. Part-A of Paper-II Tamil Eligibility Test shall contain 100 questions from 1 to 100. Part-B of Paper-II the General Studies paper contains 100 questions from 101 to 200 and time duration to write each part of the said examination shall be given 1 Hour and 30 minutes.
iv. All the exempted candidates with disability who have physical limitation with regard to writing, including that of speed and not availing the services of a scribe shall also be allowed compensatory time of a minimum of thirty minutes for an examination of one and a half hours (1 Hour and 30 minutes.) duration in the General Studies paper as per G.O.Ms.No.8, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons (DAP 3.2) Department, dated 21.09.2021.
v. The said exempted candidates must also enter into the examination hall in the A.N. session half an hour before the commencement of examination (i.e. till 1.30 P.M).
vi. In the case of OMR method of examination, they shall be allowed to write the examination from 2.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M., and in the case of CBT method, they shall be allowed to write the examination from 2.30 P.M. to 4.30 P.M. All the candidates are permitted to leave the examination hall only after the closure of examination even though they are exempted to write Tamil Eligibility Test.
vii. The disability certificate as prescribed in the Appendix to G.O. (Ms.) No. 8, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons (DAP 3.2) Department, dated 21.09.2021, should be obtained from the competent authority (viz. Chief Medical Officer / Civil Surgeon / Medical Superintendent /Notified Medical Authority of a Government Health Care Institution) and it has to be produced / uploaded along with the online application failing which, the application of the candidate (who claims exemption from Tamil Eligibility Test) will be rejected after due process.
viii. The exemption from Tamil Eligibility Test, Compensatory time and scribe will be provided only if the candidates have made such claims in their online application and uploaded the Medical Certificate as prescribed in Appendix to the G.O. (Ms.) No. 8, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons (DAP 3.2) Department, dated 21.09.2021.
TNPSC Road Inspector Syllabus PDF Download:
Here TNPSC Road Inspector Syllabus is provided for the candidates preparing for Exam. Candidates those who have applied for TNPSC Road Inspector Recruitment 2023 can use this syllabus helps you to give your best in the Road Inspector Exam. The TNPSC Syllabus topics mentioned below. The standard syllabus for TNPSC Road Inspector Exam is
TNPSC Road Inspector Syllabus PDF – Download